
10分钟的调查 您是目前有孩子在马萨诸塞州上学的家长或监护人吗?马萨诸塞全州家庭互动中心正在开展一项调查,了解更多关于学校与家庭彼此关系的更多情况。 请发表您的看法!今天就填写这项10分钟的调查。 如果您填写调查表时有疑问或需要帮助,请联系MA SFEC的Ryan...

What is Family Engagement? For Families

Download what is fam eng for families Family engagement is an intentional, authentic, respectful, and equal partnership between practitioners and families leading to positive results for children and youth. For families this means: Strong two-way communication in...

Accentuate The Positive: Helping Your Middle Schooler Accept Themselves

Middle school is a time of incredible exposure. Young people between the ages of 10-14 undergo seismic shifts in their relationships and self-concept all under the watchful eyes of their equally vulnerable peers. For the first time in their lives, middle schoolers may...

提高对职业以及职业技术教育的认识: 来自说不同语言家庭的见解

2021年10月,特殊需要儿童之友(FCSN)与近500名使用9种语言的家长和看护人交谈,了解他们对提高对职业以及职业技术教育(CVTE)认识的疑问和想法。以下是他们分享的想法。 存在基于语言的知识差距 在调查中,我们请家庭在0-5分的范围内对自己的职业以及职业技术教育知识进行评分。如图所示,母语非英语的家庭比母语是英语的家庭更有可能将自己的知识水平评为0分。此外,与母语非英语的人相比,母语是英语的人更有可能将自己的知识水平评为“中至高”。 父母和看护人有很多疑问  ...

Cell Phones Part 2: Establishing Rules Around Devices

Once you’ve decided that your child is mature enough to handle the responsibilities of a cellphone, it’s time to establish some rules. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind when creating rules around cellphone usage. 1. Focus on parenting, not monitoring Remember...